10 Tips for Maintaining and Sustaining Peer-to-Peer Recognition

Once you’ve kicked off a peer-to-peer recognition program, your work is done, right? After all, you’ve delegated the task of acknowledging successes, so you can just step back and let it happen.


Not so fast. While a great deal of the responsibility has been shifted, you still have to maintain and sustain the program. But relax, it’s easy. Here are ten simple ways you can keep the momentum going:

  1. Acknowledge those who participate in the program (especially those who have taken the lead) and reward departments that achieve 100% participation.
  2. Communicate frequently and on a timely basis – this includes disseminating recognition throughout the company.
  3. Congratulate recipients with a personal phone call, email or a brief visit.
  4. Tie peer-to-peer recognition to an employee of the month program.
  5. Organize staff appreciation events like pizza parties and informal outings.
  6. Celebrate employee birthdays and service anniversaries.
  7. Introduce monthly or quarterly themes for employees to watch (and strive) for – like time or money savers, productivity boosters or extra-mile achievers.
  8. Expand the boundaries of the program to recognize outstanding contributions to the community.
  9. Survey employees to see if they’re finding value in the program and solicit suggestions for improvements and additions.
  10. Keep the creative juices flowing by coming up with your own ideas!

One thought on “10 Tips for Maintaining and Sustaining Peer-to-Peer Recognition

  1. I like that you mentioned some simple ways of expressing your gratitude and recognition to your employees such as giving them a personal call, email, and even a visit to their home. It is important for management to express how grateful they are to their employees which lead to the company’s success. Even a simple pat on the back is good enough for your employees to know that you appreciate the effort they are giving to the organization. I would definitely keep this in mind if we ever get to have an awarding ceremony. Thanks.

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